Roller hockey is a sport that combines the fun of hockey with the speed of skating. Within the category of roller hockey, there are two types. These include Hardball hockey and Inline hockey. Both of these games are exciting and fast-paced, however they do utilize different equipment, rules, and forms of skating.
Inline hockey is the first version that we will discuss. This game is held in a rectangular rink approximately two hundred feet but one hundred feet. It must be at least one hundred sixty-five feet but sixty-five feet and should be twice as long as it is wide. The surface of these rinks is comprised of wood, asphalt, cement, or plastic. When you look at an inline rink, is set up similarly to an ice hockey rink with two goals and a center red line. The difference is in the puck which is made up of plastic. There are two teams with up to twelve players each. During play, there will only be five players from each team, this includes the goalie. There will also be two goalies on the rink during the game. To score a goal, you must send the puck into the opposing team’s net (crossing over the goal line). A game has four quarters of twelve minutes each. Whoever has the most goals at the end of the game wins.
The next type, Hardball Hockey uses a ball instead of a puck. The stick that is used, is also different from that of inline or ice hockey. It is often called a cane due to its shape. A team is comprised of between six and ten players, but like inline, only five can be on the rink at any time. Scoring is similar with points being awarded for getting the ball into the opposing team’s goal. Players are allowed to stop the ball with any part of their body, excluding their hands. However, they can only resume motion using the cane. Games consist of two twenty-five-minute intervals and the winning team is whoever has the most goals at the end of the game.
Inline hockey is the most popular of the two and the most common. Hardball hockey is played very infrequently so you may never have even seen a game. Both types of hockey, however, are entertaining to watch and play. They have helped make hockey one of the most popular sports and it continues to gain fans and participants every day.